Father's Message for the Archbishops Annual Appeal

Father's Message for the Archbishops Annual Appeal

My Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Angels Parish,

The yearly launching of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal in our Parish begins in the Season of Lent. During this Season of Prayer and Fasting, I invite you to reflect on how we can also make our offerings and sacrifices concrete and meaningful as we respond to the various works and programs that our Archdiocese is attending to. As we all know, it is only through the support of the parishes in the Archdiocese that these different works and programs are attainable and made possible.

As always, the Archdiocese of San Francisco is ever grateful to the parishioners of Holy Angels Church for your generous support and contribution to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. As a parish, we have reached the goal of our last year’s assessment and completed the amount of 61,116.

Even in this time of economic crisis, I believe that our faith is more determined to reach out to the help of the needy. For this year 2010, our assessment is 63,600.

Your pledge to the AAA will certainly give the Archdiocese the assurance and confidence to minister and serve the needs of the Local Church.

I therefore thank you for your unending support for the Archdiocese as well as the parish. May God bless you all!


Fr. Manuel Curso